Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Pankhudi launches ALL-INDIA Collection Drive for Bihar Flood Victims
Click on poster to see contact details
Thursday, September 25, 2008
2009 Echoing Green Fellowship Application Open
What is Echoing Green?
Since 1987, Echoing Green has provided seed funding and support to more than 450 social entrepreneurs with bold ideas for social change in order to launch groundbreaking organizations around the world. - www.echoinggreen.orgMessage from Echoing Green Team
We're happy to announce that the Echoing Green's 2009 Fellowship application is now open.
To start an application, please go to http://application.echoinggreen.org. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us at apply [at] echoinggreen.org.
Google launches "Project 10 to the 100th"
If you have an idea that you believe would help somebody, we want to hear about it. We're looking for ideas that help as many people as possible, in any way, and we're committing the funding to launch them. You can submit your ideas and help vote on ideas from others. Final idea selections will be made by an advisory board.
Submission Deadline: October 20th, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Oak Human Rights Fellowship Nominations 2009
I am pleased to announce a call for nominations for the 2009 Oak Human Rights Fellowship, sponsored by the Oak Institute for the Study of International Human Rights at Colby College in Waterville, Maine (USA). The fellowship is a one-semester appointment for a scholar-in-residence. It is designed to provide human rights practitioners doing "on-the-ground" work at some level of personal risk a respite from front-line duties to enable them to reflect, write, and communicate their work to our campus community.
The appointment is for the fall semester of 2009 (September through mid December). Responsibilities include participation in a lecture series or symposium in the Fellow's area of expertise and regular interaction with Colby students through a one credit non-graded discussion class. The College provides a stipend of $32,000, plus transportation, housing, health care coverage, and other fringe benefits. We encourage the fellow to bring family through limited financial support for their travel as well.
To identify candidates for our annual search, we rely heavily on nominations from NGOs, other journalists, human rights lawyers, and academics -- you are most likely to know of the work of on-the-ground professionals. Since your network has been active in the field of human rights or migration, we would like to solicit your nominations for the fellowship. Please submit nominations to us no later than November 1, 2008. We will contact nominee(s) and encourage him or her to apply; you might also suggest that your nominee(s) apply directly. Your nomination letter(s) will become part of the applicant's file, underscoring your recognition of this person's important contributions to human rights. The deadline for completed applications is December 15, 2008. For more information and application materials, please access our web page at www.colby.edu/oak ; we call your attention to the frequently asked questions sidebar to clarify terms and eligibility.
If you prefer to have an electronic copy of this announcement with a PDF brochure, please let us know. If you have any questions, you can reach me at +1 (207) 859-5234 or Assistant Director Susana Thompson at oakhr@colby.edu . Thank you in advance for helping us identify deserving candidates for this award.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Tech Power to the Bottom of the Pyramid
In Tajikistan, Georgetown graduate student Dan Zuckerman is the face of Kiva, a San Francisco-based microlending organization operating in a region that currently hums with nearly 3,000 Kiva-sponsored entrepreneurs. Zuckerman has to get to know them and act as their bridge to their remote lenders by sharing their stories, both with the people providing loans and with the local microcredit institution, MLF MicroInvest, which is Kiva's partner. In all of Tajikistan, he works alone. How does Zuckerman, 25, manage to cover all this ground without support staff and with a supervisor 11,000 kilometers away?
Read more as to how non-profit organizations are teaming up with technology to accomplish some of the seemingly impossible tasks.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Staples Youth Social Entrepreneur Competition
Ashoka's Youth Venture and Changemakers is partnering with Staples to launch our first global competition to recognize young leaders who are finding new ways to create positive change in their communities. We are seeking the most inspirational ideas and projects led by young people between ages 12 and 24.
Help us spread the word about this initiative and nominate young leaders with fantastic ideas!
Now through October 15, 2008. Winners will be announced November 12, 2008.
Meet Konstantine
Meet Brady